definition of chakras from Hindu Master Sai Maa

"If our understanding is that consciousness is primary and matter is secondary,
then consciousness, the Divine, is transforming itself into matter at every point
in the universe. However, at certain points, this transformation is more intense,
more active. On the planet we refer to such a point as a vortex. On the human body,
they are called Chakras. The word Chakras literally means wheel, so a Chakra is where
the Unmanifest spins itself into the manifest. There are many Chakras in the human body
but we usually focus on the seven major ones, located along the spine. Each Chakra has
its own qualities which influence our physical and emotional well-being. Past karmas
relating to those qualities are also stored at the level of the Chakras.

In an Enlightened body, the Chakras spin freely, allowing for an effortless process
of transformation and the unimpeded flow of energy throughout the body. However, for
most of us, there are blockages in these areas leading to a loss of Wholeness in the
quality of life.

Surrounding the physical body are the layers of subtle bodies, often collectively
referred to as the aura. These subtle bodies completely mirror the physical body,
and everything we experience in the physical body is first experienced in the subtle
body. By keeping the subtle bodies perfectly aligned with the physical body, we can
maintain balance and harmony in life. The subtle bodies also act as a kind of
protective shield to the physical body, so keeping them strong and healthy is
important to our well-being.

Running through all of this is a network of energy channels,
known in Ayurveda as nadis. According to Ayurveda,
we have 72,000 nadis in our physiology.

The nadis radiate out from the Chakras, acting as the lines of communication to all
parts of our physiology. Keeping these channels clear is important to the free flow
of energy and information throughout the physiology.

There are three major nadis in the body.
The Ida Nadi is on the left side of the spine. It is cooling, feminine and purifying.
The Pingala Nadi runs along the right side of the spine. It is heating, masculine and
cleansing in the way fire cleanses. Balance between these two nadis creates balance in
our lives. The Sushumna Nadi is located in the center of the spine and is the channel
through which the spiritual energy or Kundalini Shakti will eventually rise from the
Root Chakra at the base of the spine to the Crown Chakra, opening the door to Freedom."

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